How to Work with Mini Projects?

Title Page 

Sample format of Title page is given in Appendix 1 of this block. Students should
follow the given format.

Original Copy of the Approved Proforma of the Project Proposal 

Sample Proforma of Project Proposalis given in Appendix 2 of this block. Students
should follow the given format.

Certificate of Authenticated work 

Sample format of Certificate of Authenticated workis given in Appendix 3 of this
block. Students should follow the given format.

Role and Responsibility Form 

Sample format for Role and Responsibility Form is given in Appendix 4 of this block.
Students should follow the given format.


This should be one/two short paragraphs(100-150 words total), summarising the
project work. It is important that this is not just a re-statement of the original project
outline. A suggested flow is background, project aims and main achievements. From
the abstract, a reader should be able to ascertain if the project is of interest to them
and, it should present results of which they may wish to know more details.


This should express your gratitude to those who have helped you in the preparation of
your project.
Table of Contents:The table of contents gives the readers a view of the detailed 
structure of the report. You would need to provide section and subsection headings
with associated pages. The formatting details of these sections and subsections you
will find in unit 2 of this block.

Table of Figures:List of all Figures, Tables, Graphs, Charts etc. along with their
page numbers in a table of figures.

Chapter 1: Introduction 

The introduction has several parts as given below:
Background:A description of the background and context of the project and its
relation to work already done in the area. Summarise existing work in the area
concerned with your project work.

Objectives:Concise statement of the aims and objectives of the project. Define
exactly what you are going to do in the project; the objectives should be about 30 /40

Purpose, Scope and Applicability: The description of Purpose, Scope, and
Applicability are given below:

  • Purpose: Description of the topic of your project that answers questions on why you are doing this project. How your project could improve the system its significance and theoretical framework. 
  • Scope: A brief overview of the methodology, assumptions and limitations. You should answer the question: What are the main issues you are covering in your project? What are the main functions of your project? 
  • Applicability: You should explain the direct and indirect applications of your work. Briefly discuss how this project will serve the computer world and people. 

Achievements: Explain what knowledge you achieved after the completion of your 
work. What contributions has your project made to the chosen area? Goals achieved - 
describes the degree to which the findings support the original objectives laid out by 
the project. The goals may be partially or fully achieved, or exceeded. 

Organisation of Report: Summarizing the remaining chapters of the project report, 
in effect, giving the reader an overview of what is to come in the project report.

Chapter 2: Survey of Technologies 

In this chapter Survey of Technologies you should demonstrate your awareness and 
understanding of Available Technologies related to the topic of your project. You 
should give the detail of all the related technologies that are necessary to complete 
your project. You should describe the technologies available in your chosen area and 
present a comparative study of all those Available Technologies. Explain why you 
selected the one technology for the completion of the objectives of your project. 

Chapter 3: Requirements and Analysis 

Problem Definition: Define the problem on which you are working in the project. 
Provide details of the overall problem and then divide the problem in to sub-problems. 
Define each sub-problem clearly. 

Requirements Specification:In this phase you should define the requirements of the 
system, independent of how these requirements will be accomplished. The 
Requirements Specification describes the things in the system and the actions that can 
be done on these things. Identify the operation and problems of the existing system. 

Planning and Scheduling: Planning and scheduling is a complicated part of software 
development. Planning, for our purposes, can be thought of as determining all the 
small tasks that must be carried out in order to accomplish the goal. Planning also 
takes into account, rules, known as constraints, which, control when certain tasks can 
or cannot happen. Scheduling can be thought of as determining whether adequate 
resources are available to carry out the plan. You should show the Gantt chart and 
Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT). 

Software and Hardware Requirements: Define the details of all the software and 
hardware needed for the development and implementation of your project. 
  •   Hardware Requirement: In this section, the equipment, graphics card, numeric co-processor, mouse, disk capacity, RAM capacity etc. necessary to run the software must be noted. 
  •  Software Requirements: In this section, the operating system, the compiler, testing tools, linker, and the libraries etc. necessary to compile, link and install the software must be listed. 
Preliminary Product Description: Identify the requirements and objectives of the 
new system. Define the functions and operation of the application/system you are 
developing as your project. 

Conceptual Models:You should understand the problem domain and produce a 
model of the system, which describes operations that can be performed on the system, 
and the allowable sequences of those operations. Conceptual Models could consist of 
complete Data Flow Diagrams, ER diagrams, Object-oriented diagrams, System 
Flowcharts etc.

System Design : How to do Ignou Mini Projects? >>

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