How can I teach computer science without using computers?

Question Detail: 

In some places in the world, people don't usually have access to (and hence little knowledge of) computers, and even if they have, hard- and software are outdated and usage plagued by power outages and such. Access to (good) books also tends to be lacking. How can I teach computer science under such circumstances?

I'm worried that without being able to do experiments and apply what they learn, they won't learn (well) at all even though they are incredibly motivated and devote most of their time to this hobby. Is it possible to teach CS only theoretically?

Asked By : Abhimanyu
Best Answer from StackOverflow

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Answered By : David Richerby

Asking how you can study computer science without computers is a bit like asking how you can study cosmology without telescopes. Sure, it's nice to be able to look at the things you're studying and it's often very helpful to be able to play around with things. But there's a whole lot you can do without access to a computer: in extremis, you could probably do almost all of a undergrad course with no computers.

In practical terms, access to computers helps reinforce a lot of what you learn in a computer science course. Programming courses are, obviously, much more natural with access to a computer. On the other hand, being forced to write code on paper does encourage people to think about their code and make sure it really works, rather than just running it through a compiler again and again until it compiles and then running trivial test cases again and again until the obvious bugs go away.

Topics that would be most natural without computers would be the more mathematical ones. All the background mathematics, such as combinatorics and probability. Computability, formal languages, logic, complexity theory, algorithm design and analysis, information and coding theory. Anything to do with quantum computation!

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