What would be the real-world implications of a constructive $P=NP$ proof?

Question Detail: 

I have a high-level understanding of the $P=NP$ problem and I understand that if it were absolutely "proven" to be true with a provided solution, it would open the door for solving numerous problems within the realm of computer science.

My question is, if someone were to publish a indisputable, constructive proof of $P=NP$, what are some of the immediate effects that we would see of such a discovery?

I'm not asking for opinionated views of what the world would look like in 5-10 years. Instead, it is my understanding that this is such a fundamentally unsolvable problem that it could radically change the way we compute... many things (yeah, this is where my ignorance is showing...) that we can't easily calculate today.

What kind of near-immediate effect would a thorough, accurate, and constructive proof of $P=NP$ have on the practical world?

Asked By : RLH
Best Answer from StackOverflow

Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/35759

Answered By : jmite

People have given good answers assuming that $P=NP$ with some really large constant. I'm going to play the optimist and assume that we find a proof of $P=NP$ with a tractably small constant. Perhaps not likely, but I'm going to try to give some insight into what sorts of things would happen if we could efficiently solve all $NP$ problems.

  • Compilers: Some computer programs would get slightly faster, since compilers use graph coloring for register allocation. We would be able to allocate for large numbers of registers exactly. Existing compilers using an approximate solution (like chordal graphs) would get better output, and those using an exact solution would get faster.

  • Facility location: Businesses would be able to find the optimal place to place factories and supply depots to ship to their stores, when there are possibly thousands of stores and factories. Would likely not be a huge improvement over modern approximations, but would reduce costs.

  • Buying plane tickets: airline tickets are weird since they don't follow triangle equality. Sometimes it's cheaper to fly from A -> B -> C than directly from A -> C, something that doesn't come up when modelling distances. It would be easy to make a website that finds the absolute cheapest sequence of flights that visit some number of cities and starts and ends in your hometown.

  • Circuit design: electrical circuits on a chip are basically Boolean formulas. Things like minimization could be efficiently calculated, so our hardware would get a bit more efficient.

  • Scheduling: mad that your school put two of your exams on the same time? If $P=NP$ your school could either how many timeslots they need so no student has a conflict, or given a number of time slots, minimize the number of conflicts.

This is just a sampling of practical applications that we'd see if $NP$-completeness weren't a barrier. I'm sure I've missed many, but if the given construction had a good constant, the implications would be far reaching.

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