What is complement of Context-free languages?

Question Detail: 

I need to know what class of CFL is closed under i.e. what set is complement of CFL. I know CFL is not closed under complement, and I know that P is closed under complement. Since CFL $\subsetneq$ P I can say that complement of CFL is included in P(right?). There is still a question whether complement of CFL is proper subset of P or the whole P. I would appreciate any ideas on how to show that complement of CFL is the whole P(if that's the case of course).

Asked By : user432
Best Answer from StackOverflow

Question Source : http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/7144

Answered By : Ran G.

One can understand your question in two ways, according to the definition of "the complement of CFL".

case A: Complement of CFL is the class of all the languages that are not in CFL. Formally, $$\overline{CFL} = \{ L \mid L\notin CFL\}.$$ In that case, $\overline{CFL}$ is way bigger than $P$, it even has languages that are not in $R$, etc. But maybe that's not what you meant.

case B: Define the complement-CFL class as $$co{CFL} = \{ \bar{L} \mid L \in CFL\},$$ in words, the set of all languages $L$, such that $L$'s complement is context free.

In that case, what you wrote makes sense: $CFL \subsetneq P$ (by the CYK algorithm), and also $co{CFL} \subseteq P$ (run the same algorithm, output the opposite answer), and since $CFL \neq co{CFL}$, then it should be immediate that $co{CFL}\subsetneq P$, right?

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