Are all Integer Linear Programming problems NP-Hard?

Question Detail: 

As I understand, the assignment problem is in P as the Hungarian algorithm can solve it in polynomial time - O(n3). I also understand that the assignment problem is an integer linear programming problem, but the Wikipedia page states that this is NP-Hard. To me, this implies the assignment problem is in NP-Hard.

But surely the assignment problem can't be in both P and NP-Hard, otherwise P would equal NP? Does the Wikipedia page simply mean that the general algorithm for solving all ILP problems is NP-Hard? A few other sources state that ILP is NP-Hard so this is really confusing my understanding of complexity classes in general.

Asked By : Matt
Best Answer from StackOverflow

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Answered By : Steven

If a problem is NP-Hard it means that there exists a class of instances of that problem whose are NP-Hard. It is perfectly possible for other specific classes of instances to be solvable in polynomial time.

Consider for example the problem of finding a 3-coloration of a graph. It is a well-known NP-Hard problem. Now imagine that its instances are restricted to graphs that are, for example, trees. Clearly you can easily find a 3-coloration of a tree in polynomial time (indeed you can also find a 2-coloration).

Consider decision problems for a second. A method of proving the hardness of a decision problem $P$ is devising a polynomial (Karp) reduction from another problem $Q$ that is known to be NP-Hard. In this reduction you show that there exists a function $f$ that maps each instance $q$ of the problem $Q$ to an instance of the problem $P$ such that: $q$ is a yes instance for $Q \iff f(q)$ is a yes instance for $P$. This implies that solving $f(q)$ must be "at least as difficult" as solving $q$ itself.

Notice how it's not required for the image of $f$ to be equal to the set of the instances of $P$ . Therefore it's perfectly possibile for problem $P$ restricted to some subset of instances to not be hard.

To return to your original question:

  • The assignment problem can be solved in polynomial time, i.e., a solution to each instance of the assignment problem can be computed in polynomial time.
  • ILP is NP-Hard: in general it might be hard to compute a solution to an ILP problem, i.e. there are instances of ILP that are hard.
  • Some specific instances of ILP can be solved in polynomial time.

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